SAIB attended 10th Anniversary of the Lloyd’s China(2017-10-12)

On September, 21, 2017, the 10th Anniversary and the New Office Opening of the Lloyd’s China officially took place in the new office of Lloyd’s China located at the 30th Floor of Shanghai Tower which is the first highest mansion in China, and SAIB was invited to that activity as the Lloyd’s Registered Broker, and Harvey Ho. the Senior Consultant of SAIB was present in the name of the Company.

During the event, Inga Beale DBE, the CEO of Lloyd’s and Eric Gao, the Head of Lloyd’s Greater China Region, the Chairman and CEO of Lloyd’s China made a separate speech there, looked back and confirmed the achievements made by Lloyd’s China within 10 years, and expected and projected the steady and healthy development for Lloyd’s China in the Chinese Market. SAIB witnessed the time for the happiness of the 10th Birthday and relocation of Shanghai office of Lloyd’s China with more than 250 representatives of Syndicates from Lloyd’s London, Chinese local brokers, senior managers of brokering companies and other professionals.

During the Lloyd’s Day from 21 to 22 September, SAIB actively attended all types of events or seminars, which is the 4th consecutive year for SAIB to attend. In the future, the Company will continuously perform the role and function of the Lloyd’s Registered Broker to achieve cooperation and interaction in more fields.